Ten Ways to Unwind Over Spring Break

Someone putting feet up near a body of water

Teaching is amazing, exciting, rewarding, engaging, active, overwhelming, and exhausting all at once. Spring break is a time when teachers can finally take a break and unwind. But if you don’t have a vacation planned or (perish the thought) work to do over the break, what can you do to relax? Here are ten ideas for you!

Spend Time in Nature

The weather is (hopefully!) warming up, the birds are chirping, and it is time for some fresh air. I can’t emphasize enough how important it is to spend time in nature to lift your spirits. You don’t need to climb a mountain or reach the beach (but good for you if you can). Even a local park, nature area, or even your own backyard can be great.

Go Somewhere

If you have the time and budget for a vacay, go for it and enjoy! But those of us who don’t have a vacation planned can look for getaways that are not so far away. Sometimes just a slight change of scenery is enough to recharge us. Visit a new coffee shop, stop by a library you’ve never been to before, or take a walk in a different part of town. Just seeing new sights can help you get fresh energy.

Get Lost in a Fictional World

Many teachers love to read and this is the perfect time to do it! Pick up something light and fun to read over spring break. You can take your book with you on an outing or snuggle up at home in a comfy spot. If you have kids at home with you over the break, declare a new tradition of reading time when everyone reads (or looks at) books together.

Have a Spa Day

Get your bubble bath going! This may be the most overused example of how to unwind on the entire internet. Ha! BUT there is a reason that it is so common - it actually works. If the bathtub is not calling your name, try something as simple as a new lotion that smells great. Or try a new nail polish on your toes. Whatever works for you and makes you feel great.

Be a Kid for a Change

You’ve had to be the grown-up in your classroom all year long. It is time to flip the switch and take a turn being a kid. What does that mean? Play video games! Beg for junk food! Doodle on your paper! Watch inane videos online! Try being a little more irresponsible - it is only for one week.

Get Crafty

Do you have some knitting needles that haven’t seen the light of day in years? Or some paint that may or may not be completely dried out? Now’s the time to get your crafts going again. This is another suggestion that may seem to be given too often, but I really recommend that you give it some consideration. Why? Because creating something can rejuvenate you in ways you may not realize until you experience it yourself. Don’t have a ton of supplies? Here are a few you can do without running to the store:

  • Drawing / sketching (just paper and pencil)

  • Upcycle sewing (using old clothes)

  • Crocheting small items (yarn, hook, look for patterns online)

  • Watercolor painting with coffee (see video here)

  • Knit something small like a headband.

Hang Out with the Fam

Find some things you can do with your family that you enjoy. And I don’t mean that in a vague way - I mean focus on what you really enjoy doing with your family. Do not do things together because you think you should do them. This is not the time! You need to recharge during spring break. Instead, think about what you do actually enjoy.

For example, some people may enjoy cooking with their kids. But for other people, it is super stressful both in the process and in the cleanup stage afterwards. If this is you, find something else to do together! Maybe you would rather buy some cookies and watch The Voice together instead. I officially give you permission.

Reconnect with Pals

Our friends often get neglected during the school year when our schedules are full and our workload heavy. Take a moment to reconnect with a friend over the break - even if it just sending a funny meme over text. If you can meet for lunch, even better! Any small reconnection can lift our spirits.

Get Moving

If you are the type of person who loves to break a sweat, now is your chance! From hiking to running to biking - getting moving can help you release stress. If strenuous exercise is not in the cards for you, no worries! Even a nice walk or a good stretch can help.

Tickle Your Tastebuds

Try something new that you have never tried before. This could be a new recipe or a different restaurant or even a different snack. The important thing is to get a little novelty into your life (and on to your tongue!) to break up the routine.

Do NOT Drop It All When Spring Break Is Done!

This is the most important tip. When spring break is done, it does not mean it is time to drop the fun. Look for ways to add these ideas into your regular schedule. Can you walk past the park on the way to work? Read a book over lunch break sometimes? Grab some unique snacks next time you are at the grocery store? See if you can add tiny things to your life that help you recharge on a regular basis. Teachers deserve rest, relaxation, and fun! We hope you have a wonderful spring break and find activities that uplift you for the rest of the school year as well.


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