March into Music in Our Schools Month!

Person playing a guitar

Did the folks who invented “Music in Our Schools Month” pick March on purpose? (As in… marching to the beat?) We don’t know, but we must admit that it is fitting!

Children love music (including marching!) and experiencing music is an incredible part of their education in school. This is a great time to recognize those that make music a part of a child’s life. If you are a music teacher, a classroom teacher that includes music instruction, or even a homeschooler or parent that makes sure your children experience music - this month is dedicated to you!

Let's take a moment to appreciate the wonderful music teachers who bring melody and rhythm into the lives of our young learners day in and day out. Whether it's teaching them to strum their first chord on a ukulele, introducing them to the wonders of Mozart and Beethoven, or leading them in singing "The Wheels on the Bus" just one more time, these educators are the unsung heroes of the school community.

But let's not forget about our classroom teachers who wear many hats, including that of a music maestro! To those amazing individuals who may not have a formal music background but still manage to incorporate music into their lesson plans with gusto, we salute you! They may be using catchy tunes to teach multiplication tables, leading sing-alongs during circle time, or organizing impromptu dance parties to shake out the wiggles, these teachers bring joy and rhythm into the classroom in ways that are truly inspiring.

There are also many dedicated parents (homeschoolers or not) who make sure that music is a part of their children’s lives. They may have some fun tunes playing through-out the day or take their child to a concert. Or, they could take up an instrument themselves. Others find an experience music instructor for their kids to keep the love of music going. What a wonderful gift it is to inspire a child to enjoy music when they are young.

Music in Our Schools Month isn't just about celebrating the teachers, though. It's also a time to recognize the impact that music education has on students' overall development. Experience with music has been tied to better scores in other subjects such as Math. Also, many students find that music is something that makes school more fun and engaging.

As we dive into the festivities of Music in Our Schools Month, let's strike up the band, sing at the top of our lungs, and march to the beat of our own drum as we celebrate the power of music in our schools and beyond. Here's to a month filled with harmony, laughter, and plenty of musical magic!

Need some help? If you teach music to kindergarten, first, or second graders - take a look at our full-year curriculum, Playing with Music. It is sure to have your child’s toes tapping and voice singing!


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