Nature Study Ideas for Elementary Kids

Backpackers walking through the woods

Childhood is the perfect time to grow an appreciation and love of nature. Nature studies are wonderful for learning and also emotional regulation. Now that so many educational opportunities are online and through screens, it is a breath of fresh air (literally!) when everyone gets outside for a change of pace.

Where to Go

From near to far, nature is all around us. Although it is exciting to take a field trip to a nature area or far-off location, it is not necessary for a nature study. You can take a trip to a park, a backyard, or even the edges of the playground. You will find plants, tiny ants, and many surprising things when you take your time and look closely at the natural world.

Connections to Learning Goals

Before setting out into nature, make the experience more meaningful by pre-teaching some related content. In addition, you may find something in the outdoors that makes you want to do some research once you get back. There are many content areas that tie into nature study:

  • Biology - This can be both animal and plant biology concepts. If you know what grows in the outdoor space you will be visiting, learn a little about that plant ahead of time. The kids will be so excited to see it in real life! This might be a good time to teach them particular plants, like poison oak, that they should avoid as they explore.

  • Weather patterns - Make note of the weather on the day of your visit, and also do some research about the typical weather patterns. How does this affect what plants grow in the area?

  • History - Learn a bit about the indigenous people who used to live in the area. What natural resources did they use to survive?

  • Art - There are so many opportunities to tie art concepts into nature study. Make note of what colors you see. Compare different shades and hues in natural materials. Bring a sketchbook and take time to draw some of the things you find, or bring a camera and take photographs.

  • Math - There are many natural patterns that can be found in nature. You may discuss leaf patterns of various plants, the “golden spiral” of some shells, the symmetry of butterflies, and more!

Things to Bring

Some basic supplies can make your nature study trip more enjoyable:

  • Water bottles

  • Sunblock / bug spray

  • Boots / tall socks for some areas

  • A sketchbook or journal

  • A camera

  • Binoculars

  • A magnifying glass

  • A positive attitude!

A Guideline to Follow

“Take nothing but photographs. Leave nothing but footprints.”

Part of teaching children to appreciate nature is teaching them to visit natural areas responsibly, including not removing anything and not leaving anything that does not belong.

Little Goals to Make it More Fun

It is great to have some mini-goals for kids to try to check off as they explore. For example, you could make a little checklist or BINGO game where kids can mark off things they have found. Or, the list could be of actions to take such as “feel the bark of three trees” and “find three different shades of green.” This keeps kids engaged and using their senses. They also will return from the nature study with tales to tell of their adventures!


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