Homeschooling with the Help of Your Local Public Library

Image of a library taken from above

Public libraries provide amazing resources for learning and many of these are perfect for homeschoolers! Though your local library may have slightly different offerings, here is a sample of what some libraries provide. If your library is missing one of these programs, try requesting it! Librarians are happy to help young learners and the community as a whole.

Nonfiction Books

For whatever you are currently studying in your homeschool, there are tons of books available at the library! Kids love having books to choose from and you will love how much money you will save by not having to buy books for every topic! You can put books on hold ahead of time so that they will be ready when you are taking on a new topic in Science, History, or Art.

Fiction Books at All Reading Levels

Library collections are especially helpful when your child is learning to read and going through stacks of short, beginner books. Because of the large number of books available, you will always be able to find the “just right” level for your kids.

Summer Reading Programs

These can be a lot of fun! Kids love filling out summer trackers and earning prizes as they go.


Libraries often have storytime for younger kids. This is a great way to entertain siblings while older kids browse the stacks.


Grab some books from the comfort of home by using the library to borrow eBooks. These are not often the best replacements for colorful picture books, but can be great for chapter books and novels as your child gets older.


Learning DVDs, musical CDs, and more media can really add to your homeschool. Our library has a ton of DVDs for Science, biographies, and learning new languages. We have also borrowed CDs from various countries to get a feel for music around the world.

Museum Passes

Some museums offer free or reduced price entrance tickets to local museums and zoos! This is a fun way to add variety to your homeschool. Check well in advance because often these are limited.

Learning Kits

Some libraries allow patrons to borrow learning equipment such as telescopes, microscopes, and math manipulatives. Sometimes there are materials that coordinate with a picture book or set of books. Check out your local library and see if they offer any of these learning kits.

Tutoring and Homework Help

Both online and in-person tutoring is often offered at the library. This is a great way to have another adult explain something in a new way that just might give your child that “ah ha” moment of understanding.

Cultural and Community Events

The library often hosts cultural and community events. Check the library system’s calendar periodically to find special events in your area.

Ask Your Librarian!

Librarians are happy to help children learn! You will find them a wonderful ally during your homeschooling years. Enjoy your local library!


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