What to Pack for a Field Trip

First aid kit and other small supplies

I remember my very first field trip when I was a first-year teacher. We went to a local nature center with our first graders. I got the permission slips to parents on time, made sure they were turned in, arranged for drivers, set expectations with students, and even did some pre-learning about the science topics they were going to learn that day.

We arrived at the nature center, split into groups with parent chaperones, and started learning! The kids were so excited and everything was going smoothly. And then…

My dear student, Alan, fell into the creek! (This was over twenty years ago - wherever you are, Alan, I hope you have recovered from the experience!)

It was only then that I realized - I should have brought a towel! Luckily I had a sweatshirt and that worked in a pinch. But before that moment, I did not realize how important it was to prepare a field trip kit of supplies to have on hand just in case. So, here is a list of what I recommend you pack for your next field trip. And I think Alan (wherever he is) would agree that being prepared ahead of time can really come in handy!


  • Permission slips

  • Medical information for students

  • Parent contact information

  • Emergency contact information

  • Field trip location phone, address, and map

  • Permits or passes (if applicable)

  • Receipts for payment to field trip location and bus (if applicable)

  • Contact information for the bus driver (if applicable)

  • Hand-outs for parent chaperones with your contact information and details about the location

Health and Safety

  • Student medication if needed (EpiPens, allergy meds, asthma inhalers) - Be sure to review your district’s policy on administering medicine.

  • Over-the-counter medication (pain reliever, bug bite treatment, anti-itch cream) - Again, review your district’s policy on these.

  • First Aid Kit

  • Sunscreen

  • Insect Repellent

  • Hand Sanitizer

  • Tissues

  • Hand Wipes

Educational Items

  • Field guides or books related to topic

  • Notebooks or journals for students to write their reflections in

  • Pencils

  • Camera (or use your phone) for photographs

  • A thank you note for the facilitator

General Supplies

  • Snacks and drinks (or lunches)

  • Trash bags for clean up

  • Charger for your phone

  • Umbrellas (depending on the weather)

  • An old towel (you might keep this in the trunk of your car just in case!)

  • Extra clothing (ditto above)

  • A jacket or sweatshirt

  • Ziploc bags

  • Paper towels

  • Comfortable shoes (for you!)

Enjoy Your Outing!

Preparing for a field trip can be a bit stressful, but take the time to enjoy the experience as much as possible. Often our students make new connections and find new enthusiasm for learning on field trips. And as a teacher, it is a great way to break out of the usual routine and get inspired yourself! Just don’t forget that towel…


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