Getting Your Students Thinking on Halloween

Halloween cookies, marshmallows, and a calendar of October

Ready for some excited students?

Picture it: it’s the day of Halloween. The kids are EXCITED. They may already be full of sugar and probably distracted by their costumes.

You need something to settle them down as they walk in the door, get them working, but also something engaging and fun!

Enter some Halloween critical thinking worksheets! Get those brains going with a fun Halloween theme.

Younger kids may enjoy some Halloween picture analogies. Upper elementary students may like our Halloween secret codes where they can learn fun facts about this spooky day! (For example, did you know that in Ireland, they carved turnips rather than pumpkins?)

Have the opposite problem? Want to get your kids more active? Have fun with some Halloween charades!

We hope these resources are helpful to you and fun for your (very excited!) kids. Best of luck to you!


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